what term applies to an exclamation point that follows a workbook name?

Punctuation mark to show potent feelings


Exclamation mark

Other names Assertion indicate
In Unicode U+0021 ! EXCLAMATION Mark (HTML!· !)
¡ ՜ ǃ
Inverted assertion mark Armenian exclamation marking Alveolar
exclamation sign
Run into also

The exclamation mark, ! , also sometimes referred to every bit the exclamation betoken (American English language), is a punctuation mark usually used afterwards an interjection or exclamation to bespeak strong feelings or to show emphasis. The exclamation marking often marks the end of a sentence, for instance: "Watch out!". Similarly, a bare exclamation marker (with cipher earlier or after) is ofttimes established in warning signs.

The assertion marker is frequently used in writing to make a character seem as though they are shouting and/or excited/surprised. It tin likewise be used in fiction writing for a person who is doing the same affair but in real life.

Other uses include:

  • In mathematics, information technology denotes the factorial performance.[1]
  • Several computer languages utilise ! at the offset of an expression to denote logical negation. For instance,!A ways "the logical negation of A", likewise called "not A". This usage has spread to ordinary linguistic communication (due east.g. "!inkling" ways no-inkling or clueless).
  • Some languages utilise ! to denote a click consonant.

History [edit]

Graphically, the assertion mark is represented by variations on the theme of a total stop point with a vertical line in a higher place.

Ane theory of its origin posits derivation from a Latin assertion of joy, namely io , analogous to "hurray"; the modernistic graphical representation is believed to have originated in the Centre Ages; medieval copyists wrote the Latin word io at the stop of a sentence, to indicate expression of joy. Over time, the i moved above the o; that o starting time became smaller, and (with time) a dot.[2] [ folio needed ] [three] [ page needed ] [ better source needed ]

The exclamation mark was start introduced into English printing in the 15th century to show emphasis, and was chosen the "sign of admiration or exclamation"[4] or the "note of admiration" until the mid-17th century;[five] "admiration" referred to that word's Latin-language sense, of wonderment.

Many pre-estimator age typewriters did not have the exclamation mark. Instead the user typed a total stop and and so backspaced and overtyped an apostrophe. Such typewriters frequently lacked a '1' key as well (the user typed a lower-example 'L'). That is why the assertion point is usually shift+ane as both were added at the aforementioned time.[ citation needed ]

Slang and other names for the exclamation mark [edit]

At present obsolete, the proper noun ecphoneme was documented in the early 20th century.[half dozen]

In the 1950s, secretarial dictation and typesetting manuals in America referred to the mark every bit "bang",[7] [8] mayhap from comic books – where the ! appeared in dialogue balloons to stand for a gun being fired,[nine] although the nickname probably emerged from letterpress printing.[10] This "bang" usage is behind the names of the interrobang, an unconventional typographic character, and a shebang, a feature of Unix computer systems.

In the press globe, the exclamation mark can be called a screamer, a gasper, a slammer, or a startler.[xi]

In hacker culture, the assertion marking is called "bang", "shriek", or, in the British slang known as Republic Hackish, "pling". For example, the password communicated in the spoken phrase "Your password is em-zero-pee-aitch-blindside-en-iii" ("em-nought-pee-aitch-pling-en-three" in Republic Hackish) is m0ph!n3.[12]

Languages [edit]

The exclamation marker is mutual to languages using the Latin alphabet, although usage varies slightly betwixt languages. Information technology has also been adopted in languages written in other scripts, such equally languages written with Cyrillic or Arabic scripts, Chinese characters, and Devanagari.

English [edit]

A judgement ending in an assertion marker may represent an exclamation or an interjection (such equally "Wow!", "Boo!"), or an imperative ("Stop!"), or may indicate astonishment or surprise: "They were the footprints of a gigantic hound!" Exclamation marks are occasionally placed mid-sentence with a function similar to a comma, for dramatic effect, although this usage is obsolete: "On the walk, oh! there was a frightful noise."[13]

Informally, exclamation marks may be repeated for boosted emphasis ("That's great!!!"), but this do is more often than not considered unacceptable in formal prose.[14]

The exclamation mark is sometimes used in conjunction with the question mark. This tin can exist in protest or astonishment ("Out of all places, the squatter-campsite?!"); a few writers supervene upon this with a single, nonstandard punctuation mark, the interrobang, which is the combination of a question mark and an assertion mark.[xv]

Overly frequent utilize of the exclamation mark is generally considered poor writing, as information technology distracts the reader and decreases the marker's significance.[xvi] [17]

Cutting out all these exclamation points... An exclamation point is like laughing at your ain joke.

Some authors, virtually notably Tom Wolfe and Madison Acampora, are known for unashamedly liberal utilize of the assertion mark. In comic books, the very frequent employ of exclamation marking is common—see Comics, below.

For data on the use of spaces later on an assertion mark, run into the discussion of spacing after a full end.

Several studies have shown that women utilise exclamation marks more men do. One study suggests that, in improver to other uses, assertion marks may also function every bit markers of friendly interaction, for example, by making "How-do-you-do!" or "Good luck!" seem friendlier than merely "Hullo." or "Good luck." (with periods).[19] However, utilize of exclamation marks in contexts that are not unambiguously positive can be misinterpreted equally indicating hostility.

In English language writing and oft subtitles, a (!) symbol (an exclamation marking within parentheses) implies that a grapheme has fabricated an manifestly sarcastic comment east.g.: "Ooh, a sarcasm detector. That's a really useful invention(!)"[twenty] It besides is used to indicate surprise at one's own experience or statement.

French [edit]

In French, next to marking exclamations or indicating astonishment, the exclamation marking is besides commonly used to mark orders or requests: Viens ici ! (English: 'Come here!'). When available, a 'narrow no-break space' ( espace fine insécable ) is used betwixt the last discussion and the exclamation mark in European French. If not, a regular non-breaking space ( espace insécable ) is currently used. In Canadian French, either no infinite is used or a small space ( espace fine insécable ) is inserted if available. One tin can also combine an exclamation marking with a question mark at the end of a sentence where advisable.

German [edit]

German uses the exclamation mark for several things that English conveys with other punctuation:[21] [22]

  • Information technology is used at the cease of imperative sentences even when non particularly emphatic: Ruf mich morgen an! ('Call me tomorrow.') A normal total stop, equally in English, is fairly mutual merely is considered substandard.
  • A related use is on signs that express a command or interdiction: Betreten verboten! (English language: 'No trespassing!').
  • The exclamation mark may too be used in the salutation line of a alphabetic character: Lieber Hans! (English language: 'Dearest Hans,'). Withal, the use of a comma is equally correct and is more common.

Cantonese [edit]

Cantonese has non historically used dedicated punctuation marks, rather relying on grammatical markers to announce the end of a statement. Usage of exclamation marks is common in written Mandarin and in some Yue speaking regions.[23] The Canton and Hong Kong regions, nonetheless, mostly refused to accept the exclamation mark as it was seen as conveying with information technology unnecessary and confusing Western connotations; however, an exclamation mark, including in some written representations of colloquy in Cantonese, can be used informally to signal strong feeling.

Mandarin Chinese [edit]

Information technology is called 感叹号 in China and 感嘆號 in Taiwan, both pronounced "Gǎn tàn hào".

Greek [edit]

In Modernistic Greek, the exclamation marking ( Θαυμαστικό , thavmastikó ) has been introduced from Latin scripts and is used identically, although without the reluctance seen in English language usage.[24] A small-scale grammatical difference is that, while a series of interjections each employ an exclamation mark (east.1000., Ωχ! Αχ! , Ōch! Ach! , 'Oops! Oh!'), an interjection should only exist separated from an extended exclamation past a comma (e.thousand., Ωχ, ξέχασα το μάτι της κουζίνας ανοιχτό! , Ōch, xéchasa to máti tīs kouzínas anoichtó! , 'Oops! I left the stove on.').

Hungarian [edit]

In Hungarian, an exclamation mark is put at the cease of exclamations, imperative or prohibitive sentences, and sentences expressing a wish (e.grand. De szép! – 'How beautiful!', A fűre lépni tilos! – 'Go along off the grass', Bárcsak sikerülne a tervem! – 'If merely my plan had worked out.'). The use of the assertion mark is besides needed when addressing someone and the addressing is a split up sentence. (typically at the beginning of letters, due east.grand. Kedves Péter! – 'Dearest Peter,').[25] Greetings are also typically terminated with an assertion mark (e.g. Jó estét! – 'Proficient evening.').

Spanish [edit]

Trilingual billboard in Barcelona (particular), showing the initial exclamation mark for Spanish, but non for Catalan (pinnacle line) and English language

In Spanish, a judgement or clause ending in an exclamation mark must also begin with an inverted exclamation mark (the same as well applies to the question mark): ¿Estás loco? ¡Casi la matas! , 'Are yous crazy? You virtually killed her!'

As in British English language, a bracketed exclamation mark may be used to indicate irony or surprise at a argument: Dice que esta noche no va a salir de fiesta (!) , 'He said that he'southward not going to a party this evening(!).' Such use is non matched by an inverted opening assertion marking.

Turkish [edit]

In Turkish, an exclamation mark is used after a sentence or phrase for accent, and is common following both commands and the addressees of such commands. For example, in the Ordular! İlk hedefiniz Akdenizdir, ileri! ('Armies! Your first target is the Mediterranean') order by Atatürk, ordular ('the armies') constitute the leaseholder. Information technology is further used in parentheses, (!) , afterward a sentence or phrase to betoken irony or sarcasm: Çok iyi bir iş yaptın (!) , 'You've washed a very skilful job – Not!'.

Limbu [edit]

In Limbu, an exclamation mark is used later on a Limbu sentence or phrase for emphasis, and is common following both commands and the addressees of such commands. For instance, in the Limbu judgement ᤐᤚᤢ᥄ ᤄᤨᤘᤑ ᤂᤥᤆᤌᤙ Mediterranean, ᤚᤦᤛᤅ᥄Paṡu! Ghōwapha khōcathaśa Mediterranean, ṡausaṅa! (Armies! Your first target is the Mediterranean!). Information technology is further used in parentheses, (᥄), after a sentence or phrase to indicate irony or sarcasm: ᤖᤥᤂᤌ ᤔᤚᤗ ᤐᤤ ᤊᤇ ᤃᤦᤄ (᥄)Rōkhatha maṡala pai yancha gaugha (!) (Y'all did a very good job — Not!).

Phonetics [edit]

In Khoisan languages, and the International Phonetic Alphabet, the exclamation mark is used as a letter to betoken the postalveolar click sound (represented equally q in Zulu orthography). In Unicode, this letter is properly coded as U+01C3 ǃ LATIN Letter RETROFLEX CLICK and distinguished from the common punctuation symbol U+0021 ! EXCLAMATION Marker to allow software to deal properly with give-and-take breaks.

The exclamation mark has sometimes been used as a phonetic symbol to indicate that a consonant is ejective. More commonly this is represented past an apostrophe, or a superscript glottal stop symbol ( U+02C0 ˀ MODIFIER Letter GLOTTAL STOP).

Proper names [edit]

Although not role of dictionary words, exclamation marks announced in some brand names and trade names, including Yum! Brands (parent of fast food bondage similar Taco Bell and KFC) and Web services Yahoo! and Joomla!, online game Kahoot!. It appears in the titles of stage and screen works, especially comedies and musicals; examples include the game show Jeopardy!; the '60s musical TV prove Shindig!; musicals Oklahoma!, Oliver! and Oh! Calcutta!; and movies Plane! and Moulin Rouge!. Writer Elliot S! Maggin and cartoonist Scott Shaw! include exclamation marks in their names. In the 2016 United States presidential campaign, Republican candidate Jeb Bush used "Jeb!" equally his campaign logo.

Place names [edit]

Road sign marking the entrance to Westward Ho!

The English boondocks of Westward Ho!, named subsequently the novel by Charles Kingsley, is the just place proper name in the Great britain that officially contains an exclamation mark.[26] There is a town in Quebec called Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!, which is spelled with two exclamation marks.[27] The city of Hamilton, Ohio, changed its name to Hamilton! in 1986, merely neither the United states Board on Geographic Names nor mapmakers Rand McNally recognised the change.[28] The city of Ostrava, Czech republic, changed its logotype to Ostrava!!! in 2008.[29]

Warnings [edit]

New Zealand road sign alert of a "cattle terminate" (cattle grid/cattle guard)

Exclamation marks are used to emphasize a precautionary argument.

On warning signs, an exclamation marker is often used to draw attending to a alert of danger, hazards, and the unexpected. These signs are common in hazardous environments or on potentially dangerous equipment. A mutual type of this warning is a yellowish triangle with a black exclamation marker, only a white triangle with a carmine border is common on European road warning signs.

Use in various fields [edit]

Custom cut tri-color PVC stands representing different styles of an assertion mark

Aalto University School of Business Logo 2020 (assertion mark)

Mathematics and formal logic [edit]

In elementary mathematics, the symbol represents the factorial functioning. The expression northward! means "the product of the integers from 1 to n". For example, four! (read four factorial) is 4 × 3 × 2 × one = 24. (0! is defined every bit one,[thirty] which is a neutral chemical element in multiplication, non multiplied by anything.) Additionally, it can also correspond the uniqueness quantifier or, if used in front of a number, it can represent a subfactorial.

In linear logic, the exclamation mark denotes 1 of the modalities that control weakening and contraction.

Computing [edit]

In computing, the assertion marker is ASCII character 33 (21 in hexadecimal). Due to its availability on fifty-fifty early computers, the character was used for many purposes. The name given to "!" past programmers varies according to their groundwork, though it was very common to give information technology a short name to make reading code aloud easier. "Blindside"[31] is very pop. In the UK the term pling was popular in the earlier days of computing, whilst in the United states of america, the term shriek was used. It is claimed that these word usages were invented in the U.s.a. and shriek is from Stanford or MIT; however, shriek for the ! sign is found in the Oxford English language Lexicon dating from the 1860s.

Many computer languages using C-style syntax use "!" for logical negation; !A ways "not A", and A != B means "A is not equal to B". This negation principle has spread to ordinary language; for example, the word "!clue" is used as a synonym for "no-inkling" or "clueless".[32] [33] The symbol in formal logic for negation is ¬ merely, equally this symbol is not present every bit standard on some keyboards, the C convention has spread informally to other contexts.

Early e-mail systems as well used the exclamation mark as a separator grapheme between hostnames for routing information, usually referred to as "bang path" note.

In the IRC protocol, a user'south nickname and ident are separated by an assertion mark in the hostmask assigned to him or her by the server.

In UNIX scripting (typically for UNIX shell or Perl), "!" is ordinarily used after a "#" in the first line of a script, the interpreter directive, to tell the Os what plan to use to run the script. #! is usually called a "hash-bang" or shebang. A similar convention for PostScript files calls for the outset line to brainstorm with %!, chosen "percentage-blindside".[34]

An assertion marker starts history expansions in many Unix shells such every bit bash and tcsh where !! executes the previous command and !* refers to all of the arguments from the previous command.

Acorn RISC OS uses filenames starting with pling to create an application directory: for instance a file called !Run is executed when the folder containing it is double-clicked (holding down shift prevents this). There is likewise !Boot (executed the first time the application containing it comes into view of the filer), !Sprites (icons), !Assistance, and others.

In APL, !x is used for factorial of 10 (backwards from math note), and also for the binomial coefficient: k!n means ( n k ) {\displaystyle {\tbinom {northward}{1000}}} or north! thou!(n1000)! .

BBC Bones used pling as an indirection operator, equivalent to PEEK and POKE of 4 bytes at one time.[35]

BCPL, the forerunner of C, used "!" for pointer and array indirection: !P is equivalent to *P in C, and P!3 is equivalent to P[iii] in C.

In the Haskell programming language, "!" is used to limited strictness.

In the Kotlin programming language, "!!" ("double-bang") is the not-null assertion operator, used to override null safety then as to allow a nix pointer exception.[36]

In the ML programming language (including Standard ML and OCaml), "!" is the operator to get the value out of a "reference" data structure.

In the Raku programming language, the "!" twigil is used to access private attributes or methods in a grade (like class Person { has $!name; } or self!individual-method;).[37]

In the Scheme,[38] Julia,[39] and Ruby programming languages, "!" is conventionally the suffix for functions and special forms that mutate their input.

In the Swift programming language, a type followed by "!" denotes an "implicitly unwrapped optional", an option blazon where the compiler does not enforce prophylactic unwrapping. The "!" operator "force unwraps" an option type, causing an error if information technology is nil.

In Geek Lawmaking version 3, "!" is used before a letter of the alphabet to denote that the geek refuses to participate in the topic at manus. In some cases, it has an alternate meaning, such as G! denoting a geek of no qualifications, !d denoting not wearing any dress, P! cogent not being allowed to utilise Perl, and then on. They all share some negative connotations, even so.

Video games [edit]

The exclamation mark can exist used in video games to signify that a character is startled or alarmed. In the Metal Gear and Newspaper Mario series, an exclamation mark appears over enemies' heads when they notice the thespian.

In massively multiplayer online (MMO) games such equally World of Warcraft, an exclamation marking hovering over a character's head indicates that they are offering a quest for the player to complete.

In Dota two, an assertion mark is shown above the head of a unit if it is killed by ways not granting enemies experience or aureate (if it is "denied").

In the 2005 arcade dance simulation game In the Groove 2, there is a vocal titled "!" (also referred to every bit "bang") by the artist Onyx.

Internet culture [edit]

In recent Internet culture, specially where leet is used, multiple exclamation marks may be affixed with the numeral "one" as in !!!!!!111. The notation originates from a common error: when typing multiple exclamation points speedily, the typist may fail to concord the ⇧ Shift 1 combination that produces the assertion marker on many keyboard layouts. This error, showtime used intentionally as a joke in the leet linguistic community, is now an accepted form of exclamation in leet and derivative dialects such as Lolspeak.[40] Some utterances include further substitutions, for example "!!!111oneeleven".[41]

In fandom and fanfiction, ! is used to signify a defining quality in a character, commonly signifying an alternative estimation of a character from a canonical work. Examples of this would exist "Romantic!Draco" or "Vampire!Harry" from Harry Potter fandom. It is besides used to clarify the current persona of a graphic symbol with multiple identities or appearances, such every bit to distinguish "Armor!Al" from "Human!Al" in a work based on Fullmetal Alchemist. The origin of this usage is unknown, although information technology is hypothesized to accept originated with sure Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles activeness figures, for example, "Football Role player! Leonardo", "Rockstar! Raphael", and "Breakdancer! Michelangelo".[ citation needed ]

Comics [edit]

This Action Comics embrace from 1959 ends every sentence with an exclamation point or question mark. Ofttimes, few or no periods would be used in the entire book.

Some comic books, especially superhero comics of the mid-20th century, routinely utilise the assertion point instead of the menstruum, which means the graphic symbol has but realized something; unlike when the question marking appears instead, which ways the graphic symbol is confused, surprised or they practise not know what is happening. This tends to lead to exaggerated speech, in line with the other hyperboles common in comic books. A portion of the motivation, however, was simply that a period might disappear in the printing process used at the time, whereas an exclamation betoken would likely remain recognizable even if there was a printing glitch. For a brusk flow Stan Lee, as editor-in-main of Marvel Comics, attempted to curb their overuse by a short-lived ban on exclamation points altogether, which led to an inadvertent lack of catastrophe punctuation on many sentences.[42]

Comic book writer Elliot South! Maggin once accidentally signed his name with an exclamation due to the habit of using them when writing comic scripts; it became his professional person name from then on.[43] [44] Similarly, comic creative person Scott Shaw! has used the exclamation point subsequently his name throughout his career.

In comic books and comics in general, a big assertion point is oftentimes used near or over a character's head to bespeak surprise. A question marker can similarly be used to betoken confusion.

Chess [edit]

In chess note "!" denotes a proficient move, "!!" denotes an excellent motion, "?!" denotes a dubious move, and "!?" denotes an interesting, risky move. In some chess variants such every bit big-board Shogi variants, "!" is used to record pieces capturing by stationary feeding or called-for.

Scrabble [edit]

In Scrabble, an assertion marking written after a word is used to point its presence in the Official Tournament and Social club Give-and-take Listing but its absence from the Official Scrabble Players Lexicon, ordinarily because the give-and-take has been judged offensive.

Baseball [edit]

Exclamation points or asterisks tin can be used on scorecards to denote a "slap-up defensive play".[45]

Popular music [edit]

The band !!! (pronounced "Chk Chk Chk") uses exclamation points every bit its name.[46]

In 2008, the pop-punk band Panic! at the Disco dropped the exclamation point in its name; this became the "near-discussed topic on [fan] message boards effectually the earth".[47] In 2009, the exclamation marker was re-inserted following the band's split.[48]

The ring Bomb the Music Manufacture! utilizes an exclamation mark in its name, equally well as several anthology and song titles and promotional material. Examples include their songs "(Shut) Upwards The Punx!!!" and the album Adults!!!: Smart!!! Shithammered!!! And Excited by Cypher!!!!!!!.

American musician Pinkish stylizes her stage proper noun "P!NK",[49] and uses three assertion points in the subtitle of her 2010 release, Greatest Hits... And so Far!!!.[50]

Television [edit]

The exclamation mark was included in the championship of Dinah Shore'southward TV series, Dinah! The assertion marking was later on the subject of a bitter argument betwixt Elaine Benes and her beau, Jake Jarmel, in the Seinfeld episode, "The Sniffing Auditor". Elaine got upset with Jake for non putting an exclamation mark at the end of a message about her friend having a baby. Jake took extreme exception to the trivial criticism and broke up with Elaine, putting an exclamation marking after his departing words: "I'm leaving!"

Theatre [edit]

In musicals, an exclamation mark is normally used when the title of the show has the aforementioned title of a song within the act. Examples of this are shows similar Oklahoma! and Mamma Mia!.[ citation needed ]

Unicode lawmaking-points (with HTML) [edit]

  • U+0021 ! Assertion MARK (HTML !, ! [a])

Related forms have these code points:

  • U+00A1 ¡ INVERTED Assertion MARK (HTML¡· ¡)
  • U+01C3 ǃ LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK (HTMLǃ) (In IPA: alveolar click)
  • U+203C DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK (HTML‼) (for utilize in vertical text)
  • U+2048 QUESTION EXCLAMATION Marking (HTML⁈) (for employ in vertical text)
  • U+2049 EXCLAMATION QUESTION Mark (HTML⁉) (for use in vertical text)
  • U+26A0 Alarm SIGN (HTML⚠) (exclamation marking in triangle)
  • U+2755 WHITE EXCLAMATION Marking ORNAMENT (HTML❕) (in Unicode lingo, "white" ways hollow)
  • U+2762 HEAVY Assertion MARK ORNAMENT (HTML❢)
  • U+2763 HEAVY HEART Assertion MARK Ornamentation (HTML❣)
  • U+A71D MODIFIER Letter of the alphabet RAISED Assertion Marker (HTMLꜝ)
  • U+A71E MODIFIER Alphabetic character RAISED INVERTED EXCLAMATION Marking (HTMLꜞ)
  • U+A71F MODIFIER LETTER Depression INVERTED Assertion Marker (HTMLꜟ)
  • U+FE57 Pocket-size Assertion MARK (HTML﹗) (for special applications within CJK text)
  • U+FF01 FULLWIDTH Assertion Marker (HTML!) (for special applications within CJK text)
  • U+E0021 TAG Assertion MARK (HTML󠀡)

Some scripts take their own exclamation marking:

  • U+07F9 ߹ NKO EXCLAMATION Marker

Meet also [edit]

  • Total stop
  • Inverted question and exclamation marks
  • Punctuation
  • Terminal punctuation

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ HTML5 is the only version of HTML that has a named entity for the assertion mark.[51] [52]

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Factorial Role !". www.mathsisfun.com . Retrieved 2020-09-ten .
  2. ^ White, Jan V. (1991). Graphic Idea Notebook. Allworth Press New York. ISBN0935603646.
  3. ^ Manunzio, Aldo (1531). Romani Institutionum grammaticarum libri IIII.
  4. ^ MacKellar, Thomas (1885). The American Printer: A Manual of Typography, Containing Applied Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office, Equally Well as Complete Instructions for Apprentices: With Several Useful Tables, Numerous Schemes for Imposing Forms in Every Variety, Hints to Authors, Etc (Fifteenth - Revised and Enlarged ed.). Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan. p. 65.
  5. ^ Truss, Lynne (2004). Eats, Shoots & Leaves: the zero tolerance arroyo to punctuation. New York: Gotham Books. p. 137. ISBNi-59240-087-6.
  6. ^ Frank H. Vizetelly (1913). The Training of Manuscripts for the Printer (fifth revised ed.). Funk & Wagnalls Company. p. 51. The annotation of exclamation or ecphoneme is used subsequently a word or phrase to express sudden emotion, and is sometimes repeated for emphasis.
  7. ^ Wilkinson, Clyde (1955). Communicating through letters and reports . Richard Irwin. p. 651. ISBN0-256-02270-four.
  8. ^ Hendrickson, Robert (1982). The literary life and other curiosities. Penguin Books. p. 358.
  9. ^ "ASCII Pronunciation Guide".
  10. ^ Haley, Allan. "Punctuation". Archived from the original on March 13, 2012.
  11. ^ Truss, Lynn (2004). Eats, Shoot & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. New York: Gotham Books. p. 136. ISBNone-59240-087-6.
  12. ^ "bang". The Jargon File. 4.iv.8. Retrieved nine July 2018.
  13. ^ The Tell-Tale Middle by Edgar Allan Poe. "Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the human action! — tear up the planks! — here, here! — it is the beating of his hideous heart!"
  14. ^ "Constructive use of e-mail". E-strategy guide. Government of Australia, Dept. of Broadband. January 23, 2008. Archived from the original on September 29, 2009. Retrieved 2013-08-25 .
  15. ^ [i] Archived July 18, 2014, at the Wayback Auto
  16. ^ "Terminal punctuation identifies the end of a judgement, and most commonly includes periods, question marks, and assertion points". Boundless.com . Retrieved six Apr 2015.
  17. ^ Linnell, Garry (11 February 2017). "Donald Trump has murdered the English language language with exclamation marks". The Sydney Morn Herald . Retrieved eleven February 2017.
  18. ^ Graham, Sheilah; Frank, Gerold (1959). Dear Infidel: The Education of a Woman. New York: Bantam Books. p. 149.
  19. ^ Carol Waseleski. "Gender and the Apply of Exclamation Points in Computer-Mediated Communication: An Analysis of Exclamations Posted to Two Electronic Word Lists". Jcmc.indiana.edu. doi:ten.1111/(ISSN)1083-6101. Retrieved 2012-10-12 .
  20. ^ "Being sarcastic". Learning English - How To. BBC World Service. Retrieved 2008-07-31 .
  21. ^ "Duden | Ausrufezeichen". www.duden.de (in German). Retrieved 20 May 2020.
  22. ^ "Gebrauch und Verwendung von Frage- und Ausrufezeichen (?, !)". world wide web.buffet-lingua.de (in High german). Retrieved 20 May 2020.
  23. ^ Shei, Chris; Gao, Zhao-Ming (2017). The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. Routledge. pp. 334–337. ISBN9781317383024.
  24. ^ Nicolas, Nick. "Greek Unicode Issues: Punctuation". 2005. Accessed 7 Oct 2014. Archived August half dozen, 2012, at annal.today
  25. ^ world wide web.nytud.hu, MTA NYTI. "A magyar helyesírás szabályai (AkH.) – helyesiras.mta.hu". helyesiras.mta.hu . Retrieved eleven March 2019.
  26. ^ Poole, Steven; Frizzell, Nell (March 7, 2016). "Should children be told to non utilize exclamation marks?". The Guardian . Retrieved October 27, 2021.
  27. ^ "Saint Louis du Ha!Ha! gets Guinness Earth Tape nod for its assertion marks". CBC.ca. September twenty, 2017. Retrieved October 27, 2021.
  28. ^ "Hamilton! (Cont'd.)". The Washington Postal service. August 15, 1986. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  29. ^ "Logo of the Metropolis of Ostrava". ostrava.cz.
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External links [edit]

  • U+0021 exclamation point — Decode Unicode


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclamation_mark

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